PYP Learning

In the Primary Year Programme, students learn how to think for themselves and take responsibility for their own learning through an inquiry-led approach. By developing the attributes of the IB learner profile, students also learn how to demonstrate respect for themselves and others, developing international-mindedness by working with others for a shared purpose and taking positive action for change

Every child deserves the best early years education. Our foundation stones of learning are put in place by inspiring, caring and experienced teachers in a wonderful setting.

At New Vision the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is based upon strong educational principles ensuring children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for future progress through school and life.

The IB knows that young learners are intelligent, resourceful and creative individuals who grow, develop and learn at different rates. They explore their environment and learn about their world through play and relationships with peers, teachers, family and community members.

Early learning in the PYP is a holistic learning experience that integrates socio-emotional, physical and cognitive development. In the PYP classroom, it takes place in dynamic environments that promote play, discovery and exploration.



Parents whose children have experienced the PYP in an early years setting like how the programme acknowledges that each child is unique.

The PYP for the school community

In the PYP, parents and the wider school community are also considered learners and valued as essential partners in students’ learning.

Quality assurance

Becoming an IB World School takes dedication and commitment on the part of the school, parents, and learning community to meet rigorous quality assurance requirements. Once authorization is confirmed, a regular cycle of support and evaluation ensures the highest quality assurance.